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Circle Square

Circle Square

Role: Senior Brand Designer | Agency: Article | Year: 2018


The Client


The client is a social start-up that developed a real-life and online network for professionals and business people over 55 years old.

By sharing new ideas and experience, by harnessing collective buying power, and by offering benefits, the organisation is able to improve their Member’s lives and community.


The Challenge


The challenge was to develop an identity aimed at this often neglected demographic, in a way that seniors could feel they’re not treated condescendingly, and that inspires them to keep their social lives active.

The logo mark’s concept is inspired by Da Vinci’s ‘Vitruvian man’, which solves the maths problem of ‘squaring a circle’.

It does so in both a physical and philosophical sense– by placing the human figure at the centre; achieving what it was otherwise thought impossible.

The primary palette evokes maturity and poise whilst the secondary colours bring in a youthful spirit. The typeface complements the setup by offering a modern, robust take on classic serifs.

The Wrong Digital Art Biennale

The Wrong Digital Art Biennale

Three Mobile

Three Mobile